Sunday, February 10, 2008

When to hop?

Everyday after I complete my work and get back home I have just 1 sentence that I keep murmuring till I hit the bed...I WANT TO RESIGN....

But then the next morning I am already thinking on what woud be the big news of the day...a quick surf at all the channels and a flip through the newspapers...just to ensure that I don't be left behind before I hit the road to office..oh the metro infact...

But I still haven't answered my own question? When is the right time to hop...6 months---1year---4 years---a baffling question indeed?
And the kind of answers that you get from your seniors is certainly bizarre...everybody has his or her opinion...but why am I not able to decide?

But as of now things are going fine till I hit the bed infact...i shall let the world know when I quit?

Friday, January 4, 2008

Why do I dread to write?

Why do i dread to write?
Is it fear for writing... do i possess some kind of phobia

Do i fear that people after going through my script would laugh at it...but dont i have to tell the truth to the world in plain simple words...words that they(viewer) could understand..

Writing should come natural...Very True..but i am a compulsive writer...does it mean that i cant write good scripts...

Good scripts...hmmm...that is something that i lack...I wait not to write a story...i seriously feel so happy when I am told NOT to write a script...

Today when my boss asked me to write a story on the temple stampede i was clueless. Despite going through the visuals, words just didnt flow...i felt there was a clog in my brain...i was just yearning when my boss would say...dont worry ill write the story...

helplessly and rather shamelessly I had to meekly surrender...i had to submit a half baked story which at a point even i couldnt understand...

I seriously admire people who write a friend of mine who has always encouraged me to write...but i being a lazy dud, i just dont feel like using the pen or the keyboard...
Is it reading and only reading that's going to improve my writing skills?

Well I being in a profession where writing forms a part of your life, i need to catch the bus at the earliest else ill be stranded in this burdgeoning space of media.

The only simple solution to rectify this defect is to WRITE...No two ways about it...Just keep writing and Reading....

Thursday, January 3, 2008